As we all sit here watching COVID-19 steadily making its way through each and every country like a highly focused general on a mission to win its war, one has to stop and realize that we are NOT in control Read more…
As if taking an AP exam weren’t stressful enough, now students in the state of North Carolina are dealing with having their AP exams disrupted on Wednesday, May 16, 2018 due to the teacher walkout. Don’t misunderstand; I fully support Read more…
It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything to my blog. OK, a while might be a bit under-stated – it’s been half a decade. Looking at my past posts, I’ve made a couple of observations about the field of Read more…
It’s the new year and for parents of high school seniors and college-aged kids, it signifies the arrival of this year’s FAFSA. For those of you unfamiliar with the term, FAFSA is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. It Read more…
An article appeared to today in the NY Times regarding high school counselors. This is my response: An experienced public school teacher and administrator, I am saddened to see yet another member of the system being flogged in front of Read more…
In response to the US News article on January 15, 2010, it is sad, but true, that students who can afford to pay for college will have better acceptance rates in 2010. While colleges are a non-profit, they are still Read more…
As discussed earlier, the process of beginning the college search entails more than looking in your backyard and picking a school based on your favorite team. In Part 1, the search process began with looking at the size of the Read more…
Now that the holidays are over and students are in their second semester of classes, it’s time for high school juniors to really focus on the college search. But before you start getting out the maps and making reservations though, Read more…
Duke University recently announced that they will begin participating in the Federal Direct Student Loan Program next fall. One of the few private universities that practices a need-blind admissions policy, Duke has a history of continually striving to increase financial Read more…
Most schools in the Triangle are officially out for a two week holiday break. For most students, that means it’s time to have fun and not study. For many high school seniors, however, it’s the perfect time to finish those Read more…