A recent article in the New York Times posted an interview with a private school counselor regarding their take on whether or not their was a “need” for college consultants. My response was as follows: It’s interesting to see the Read more…
I recently attended a luncheon where we were addressed by a speaker who is quite well known in their field. The address began by giving us some informational background on how this speaker had overcome some economic hardships and had Read more…
An article in the Washington Post confirmed what many had feared: in state students are having a much more difficult time getting accepted into their own state’s universities. As the economy continues to lag, schools are finding it necessary to Read more…
CMH College Consulting: The Benefits of a College Visit
I’m often asked by parents if it is necessary for their child to visit a college before they apply. My answer is always the same: Absolutely! I then explain that this is a place your child will spend the next Read more…
I just finished visiting Highpoint University, Catawba College, and Davidson College in North Carolina. View my photos on my Facebook Fan Page.
I regularly read Bob Morse’s Blog on US News. Recently, he posted “Which Schools Are A+ for B Students? October 08, 2009 12:46 PM ET | Robert Morse”. On first site, it appears to have the possibility of a good Read more…
Many student’s wait until the Spring of their junior year and even the fall of their senior year to begin taking their SAT’s and ACT’s. However, the beginning of junior year is the perfect time to make your standardized test Read more…
Fall is a great time for rising juniors, as well as rising sophomores, to begin thinking about college visits. With the hectic academic and extra-curricular load students are carrying, it is no longer possible to do all your college visits Read more…
The PSAT is just around the corner – October 14th to be exact. So, what is the PSAT, who should take it and why? “The Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) is a program cosponsored by the College Board Read more…